Brand Marketing Consultant (Various)

Aleczander and I connected through the GOAT of socials, LinkedIn. I was immediately impressed with Alecz’s website and how he presented himself and his work. As our professional relationship progressed, I found Alecz to be professional, kind, communicative, organised, talented, fast, responsive and highly respectful of deadlines.

Alecz is adept at understanding and adjusting to many ways of working, different processes, documentation structures, reporting responsibilities etc. This agility is super important when working across different clients, categories and sectors. I have engaged Alecz to complete work across a wide range of clients including; banking, education, legal practise, HR consultancy, entertainment, fashion and lifestyle. Whether the task at hand is long form, short form, blog content, social captions, product descriptions, decoding legal jargon or creating content for a web page, Alecz skilfully handles the task.

Alecz is platform agnostic, easy to work with and a great writer! Highly recommend.

Alexandra Jervis


Beard & Blade

